Louise's Speech

Created by Louise 5 years ago

I wanted to share the speech I made at nans funeral with you as people seemed to think it was nice and now it's here if they would like to read it again

Hi, I'm Louise, for those of you who don't know me I'm Maria's granddaughter.

My nan was a kind, caring, protective, strong and beautiful lady who put many smiles on many faces and fed many stomachs with her amazing cooking.

If you were cold nan would put a blanket over you, if you were hungry nan would feed you, if you wanted something nan would buy it for you, if you cried nan would comfort you, if you laughed nan would laugh too and if you were lonely she would keep you company. Even into her later years when she developed vascular dementia.

Nan was very caring and motherly, when I used to spend nights at nan and grandads she would check on me every couple of hours to make sure I was okay and she would help me with anything I needed.

Nan suffered from vascular dementia in the last 2 years of her life, however she always remained happy and content and in her own home, this was due to her support network, carears, family and most of all her wonderfull husband of 55 years, my grandad, their love and dedication to one another was truly heart warming.

There are so many things that I have to thank my nan for that there is simply not enough time, so I'll just say a quick thank you for everything you've done for me and I'll never forget it. You've been an amazing nan to not only me but Gary, Jake and Zoe as well, also an amazing mum, mother in-law, sister, wife and friend and you've cared for us all and always been there and well miss you forever and never forget you.

You may have passed away in body form but your soal and the memories you left us are very much alive.

I would like to finish my speech with a poem by Henry Van Dyke.

For Katrina's Sun Dial

Time is too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love, time is

Love you nan rest in peace